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Satellite systems might become an important supplement to 5G systems. In addition, compared with regular TCP, multipath TCP (MPTCP) provides a robust solution. However, due to the high latency and high loss of satellite networks, most of the existing multipath TCP congestion control schemes do not perform well. Therefore, we proposed a bandwidth and round-trip time detection-based congestion control (BWRD) for multipath TCP over highly lossy satellite networks. Simulations are running to evaluate the proposed BWRD algorithm.


This study investigates a secure wireless communication scheme which combines two of the most effective strategies to combat (passive) eavesdropping, namely mixing information with artificial noise at the transmitter and jamming from a full-duplex receiver. All nodes are assumed to possess multiple antennas, which is known as a MIMOME network. The channel state information (CSI) of Eve is known to Eve but not to Alice and Bob. While such setup has been investigated in related works, new and important insights are revealed in this work.


Precise measurement and characterization of millimeter wave channels requires antennas capable of high angular resolution to resolve closely spaced multipath sources. To achieve angular resolution on the order of a few degrees these antennas must be electrically large which is impractical for phased array architectures at millimeter wave frequencies. An alternative approach is to synthesize a virtual aperture in space by using an accurate mechanical positioner to move a receive antenna to points along a sampling grid.


Satellite system is regarded as important part of 5G networks. Software Defined Satellite Networking (SDSN), utilizing the advantages of Software Defined Networking (SDN), as believed in former work, can provide better performance. Different SDN architectures based on either multi-layer satellite constellation or sing-layer constellation have been proposed and the key technology has been validated. However, characteristics of satellites such as high propagation delay and coverage characteristics pose some problems on the network performance.


A terrestrial network deployment with mobile cell connectivity using a bandwidth limited satellite backhaul is being investigated in terms of the integration of state-of-the-art 4G commercial off-the-shelf network components. A testbed is analyzed for providing end-to-end quality of service and flexible resource allocation on the satellite link using a novel multi-carrier modem technology with dynamic bandwidth allocation.


Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is widely considered as a promising technique for vehicular communications. In current OFDM-based vehicular communications systems, a portion of tones are dedicated for pilot symbols and transmitted along with the data-bearing tones to estimate residual frequency error. However, these pilot symbols themselves do not carry any information, thus inevitably degrading the system spectral efficiency (SE).

